What Is Changing About R-410a? Time has come for R-410a to be phased out much like R-22 was. It is being replaced with R-54b. This means that equipment that is suited for R-410a will stop being produced as of January of 2025. What does this mean for you, the consumer? The cost of equipment will go up for the manufacture, the distributer and finally you the customer. IIt is estimated to be a 20-30% increase in cost. We feel like it is our responsibility to inform our customers. The new equipment for R-54b has been projected to start manufacturing at the end of this year and we will see the move to the new equipment January of 2025. The requirements from the EPA differ depending on the region you are in, Idaho is classified in the Northern region. For the states in the North region, compliance is based on date of manufacture. Therefore, if a product, as part of an AHRI-rated matched system, was compliant on the day it was produced, it can continue to be sold and installed anywhere in the North region. * We know this is a lot of information and can be hard to understand, but we know our customers deserve to know about big changes like these, that will directly affect them. * please note much has been directly quoted from the Carrier and Rheme sites |